Occasionally, septated uterus are associated with cervical septum and even a vaginal septum. The first case of septated uterus and vagina was published by McBean [McBean JH, Brumsted JR. Septate […]
Technique designed for the study of Cervical Pathology, developed through the colpomicroscope of Antoine and Grunberger in 1949 in Austria subsequently modified by Jacques Hamou in Paris France in 1980. […]
Cervical polyps are the most frequent primary tumor of the uterine cervix, with an estimated incidence of up to 30% of women, being more frequent in multiparous between 40 and […]
Cervical stenosis. There is no consensus on the definition of cervical stenosis, but from the hysteroscopy point of view, it could defined as the cervix that present a difficult access […]
The inflammation of the cervix is divided into two categories according to the etiology causing the inflammation. Noninfectious endocervicitis originates from a mechanical or irritative cause, as occurs in patients […]
Cervical polyps are the most frequent primary tumor of the uterine cervix, with an estimated incidence of up to 30% of women, being more frequent in multiparous between 40 and […]