Hysteroscopy is gaining a very important role in modern gynecology. In your opinion. What is the current role of hysteroscopy in clinical gynecology? Pathology of the uterus and vaginal canal […]
Prof. Jacques Hamou revolutionized hysteroscopy. He built a scope of 5 mm, which carried a rod lens of 4 mm of improved visual optics and guided the distension media to […]
The new single-use sheath which makes diagnostic hysteroscopy of 3mm! Made of medical polyurethane plastic, the new cover GYNKO provides the gynecologist a useful tool to perform diagnostic hysteroscopy of […]
The “cold loop” hysteroscopic myomectomy was presented at the beginning of the nineties for the first time at the National Congress of the Italian Society of Gynecologic Endoscopy The main […]