Retained Products of Conception

  The concept of placental polyp (retained products of conception) refers to the presence of placental, or deciduous fetal remains, retained into the uterine cavity after an abortion, vaginal delivery or a cesarean section. It is estimated that occurs in about 1% of all births at term and likely to have a higher incidence in preterm births and abortions. Two theories have been proposed to explain the pathogenesis of this condition. One theory proposed by Eastman and Hellman suggest that the presence of retained products is probably due to a certain degree of placenta accreta. A second theory described by Ranney explains the retained products of conception due to differences in thickness, tone and contractility of the myometrium after injury during the current pregnancy.

The treatment options used in the management of this condition include expectant management, medical and surgical option. Within the medical treatments, misoprostol is the most frequently used drug. Surgical options include blind sharp and suction curettage. Other alternatives include ultrasound guided trophoblastic tissue evacuation, and hysteroscopic removal under direct visualization with resectoscope which is currently considered a safe and effective surgical option.

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2 thoughts on “Retained Products of Conception

  1. Removal of placental remnants can be performed via IBS ( intra utérine Bigatti shaver). I have performed more than 70 patients via hysteroscopy(with IBS).
    It is very safe and fast with no need of second operation as you can see the remnants exactly and remove it under perfect visualization .

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