How did you developed the vaginoscopy approach?
The vaginoscopic approach was developed in ’92 as an answer to my experience abroad and to the need to overcome the shortage of anaesthetists we used to have; actually in those days we still had to access the operating theatres for the anaesthesia and due to the shortage of anaesthetists and the growing number of patients, we decided to find a way to hysteroscopy and finally strip down our patients’ discomfort. Back then, there were more and more nuns accessing our institute and this fact motivated us even more tofind a non-invasive access to the cervical canal.
Do you have any advice for the young physician who is starting out in the world of surgery?
First of all, I would suggest him to be passionate: passion can make the difference. The young physician should learn and listen to experts but, at the same time he should not be passive in the learning process. He should try to be innovative also when he is onlyvrepeating activities he has learned or seen from experts. This is my own story, I could have been a clone of my maestro, but I was always looking for new solutions in my reality. So, do respect your teaching experts, but always look for something new discovering and sometimes overcoming your limits!
Yes you are right,I am a paediatrician and I learned hysteroscopy from dr Osama shawaki and we r doing vaginal hysteroscopy very comfortably without any pain to our patients.
Passion is important as that will make you learn more and go ahead. Stefano is an excellent hysteroscopy with vaginoscopic technique is a boon.