The endometrium has the ability to experience cyclical changes in response to different hormonal stimuli that occur during the menstrual cycle. These changes are known as the endometrial cycle. The […]
Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological cancer in developed countries and is the 5th most frequent cancer affecting woman. The estimated frequency is 19.1 / 100,000 cases in the […]
The first reference to the presence of intrauterine adhesions was made by Heinrich Fritsch in 1894 in a patient who developed secondary amenorrhea after a postpartum curettage (Fritsch H. Ein […]
The fallopian tubes measure between 7 and 14 cm in length. They are composed of three layers: mucous, muscular and serous layer. The mucosal layer is located directly under the […]
It is difficult to determine the incidence of congenital uterine malformations in the general population because most affected women do not experience reproductive problems. The incidence has been calculated to […]
Endometrial hyperplasia is an overgrowth of endometrial glands, with different shapes and sizes, which causes increased endometrial thickness which results in a greather gland / stroma ratio than observed in […]
The concept of placental polyp (retained products of conception) refers to the presence of placental, or deciduous fetal remains, retained into the uterine cavity after an abortion, vaginal delivery […]
High-performance disponsable tissue resector Basic manual devices are cost-efective ans easy-to-use, but often lack speed, power, control, and effectiveness. Electromechanical system may improve speed and power for certain cases, but […]
The use of operative hysteroscopy in acute uterine bleeding that does not respond to medical treatment is a change in diagnostic and therapeutic paradigm to improve the results, to […]
Adenomyosis refers to the presence of ectopic glandular tissue, located deep in the myometrum. A 2014 review by Vercillini concluded that adenomyosis was associated with a 68% reduction in the […]
Asherman’s Syndrome is defined as the presence of adhesions and/or fibrosis inside the uterine cavity. Other terms used to describe the condition are ‘intrauterine adhesions’, uterine synechiae, sclerotic endometrium or […]
This type of metaplasia is a rare condition in which there is a transformation of the normal endometrial tissue into bone. It is an uncommon clinical finding with […]
The fluid intra-vasation syndrome, also known as Fluid Overload Syndrome, Intravascular Absorption Syndrome of Surgical Hysteroscopy (IAsSH) or Tur(p) Syndrome, is a terrible complication of resectoscopic surgery, which manifests itself […]
Fibroids or myomas are benign, monoclonal tumors of the uterus, mostly composed of smooth muscle cells and extracellular matrix. They are the most common solid tumor of the female pelvis. […]