The endometrium has the ability to experience cyclical changes in response to different hormonal stimuli that occur during the menstrual cycle. These changes are known as the endometrial cycle. The […]
Osseous metaplasia is a rare condition in which there is a transformation of the normal endometrial tissue into bone. It is an uncommon clinical finding with an incidence of 0,3/1000 […]
In hysteroscopic surgery, endometrial priming is key to the success of the intervention. Performing hysteroscopy in secretory phase of the menstrual cycle can significantly affect vision, making difficult the intervention […]
The endometrium has the ability to experience cyclical changes in response to different hormonal stimuli that occur during the menstrual cycle. These changes are known as the endometrial cycle. The […]
The simplest answer to this clinical question would be a resounding yes. The concern is the possibility of malignancy located in the polyp. However, the presence of cancer cells in […]
These changes occurring during the endometrial cycle, give the endometrium different hysteroscopic patterns typical of each phase, allowing the assessment of normal “hysteroscopic” endometrial cycle. 1- Proliferative phase: the endometrium […]
This type of metaplasia is a rare condition in which there is a transformation of the normal endometrial tissue into bone. It is an uncommon clinical finding with […]
The role of diagnostic hysteroscopy in infertility is still debated today. Despite the growing literature demonstrating that treatment of adhesions, submucosal fibroids and uterine septa improve pregnancy rates, managing dysfunctional […]
The changes occurring during the endometrial cycle, give the endometrium different hysteroscopic patterns typical of each phase, allowing the assessment of normal “hysteroscopic” endometrial cycle. 1- Proliferative phase: the endometrium […]
According to our data from 1992 to 2016 , we have encountered some specific hysteroscopic markers which are common to cases of endometrial TB: I) Bizzare endometrial character: […]