Hysteroscopy A. Tinelli, L. Alonso & S. Haimovich 2018 Springer

This book offers a cutting-edge guide to hysteroscopy and provides readers with the latest and most essential information on procedure techniques, clinical advances and international developments in practice and treatment of endometrial pathology. Providing comprehensive coverage, it explains in detail every aspect of hysteroscopy, from diagnostics to hysteroscopic surgery. As such, it addresses the bases of hysteroscopy; pre-, intra- and post-hysteroscopy medications; intracavitary pathologies; fertility issues; and surgical implications and complications. At the same time, it also explores challenging and controversial topics, such as hysteroscopy and ART, submucous myomas, and uterine malformations.

All topics are discussed by prominent experts in the field, and clearly organized and illustrated to help readers gain the most from each chapter. Accordingly, the book offers a valuable resource for all gynecologists working at hysteroscopy units, reproductive units, gynecological and oncological units, as well as a quick reference guide for all other physicians interested in the topic.

3 thoughts on “Hysteroscopy A. Tinelli, L. Alonso & S. Haimovich 2018 Springer

  1. Dr. Sergio :
    Se escucha muy interesante , un libro realizado por grandes expertos .
    En donde consigo el libro .
    Saludos y un abrazo fuerte
    Dra Uri Martínez
    CDMX , México

  2. Great and comprehensive book that covers all aspects of hysteroscopy including general gynecolocy, gynecology oncology as well as it’s use in reproductive ART practice. It presents these areas in depth with ample figures when appropriate, and a comprehensive list of references. Collecting, editing and foramtting these in a textbook form for the benefit of all our colleagues, readers and professionals must have been an extraordinary resolve and task. Congratulations to the all editors and the contributing authors and the publisher.

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